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Thank you for contacting Aliexpress. I am sorry to hear that you haven't received your order 65298341172687.

Due to the busy holiday season, international logistics might have been delayed. As is described on our website, full refunds for non-on-time-delivery orders are not available for the following circumstances: Other exceptional circumstances outside the control of AliExpress.com. (Please refer to: www.aliexpress.com) . For this reason, we have extended the Seller’s Guaranteed Delivery Time by 15 calendar days. This applies to all escalated disputes for orders that were shipped during 2014/12/1 to 2015/1/15. We apologize for any inconvenience this logistics delay may have caused and appreciate your patience and kindly request you to wait until 2015-03-01. We fully understand your feeling on this matter and appreciate your cooperation and understanding. We hope you will continue to enjoy shopping with AliExpress.According to the shipping information, the package has been shipped out by the seller and it is in transit. Please wait in patience and confirm with us when you have received the goods. We kindly suggest you need positively negotiate with your seller regarding this dispute.

If you have received the goods in good condition, please cancel this claim and confirm order received. If we don't receive any feedback about the product problems after the goods are delivered, we will release the payment to your seller based on the delivery information.

PS: If there’s any agreement reached with the supplier before this case is closed, please provide your supportive evidence on the complaint center. Or AliExpress shall have the right to proceed to handle the Claim based on the supporting documents available and/or the settlement terms reached in the Order Messages within the Time Limit between the Buyer and the Supplier.

Your understanding and cooperation will be appreciated.


İlkokul terk ingilizcemle anladığım yoğun geçen tatil sezonu nedeniyle uluslar arası nakliyatlarda sıkıntı olmuş olabilirmiş.martın 1 ine kadar beklemeni istemişler falan :D

nickimi yermisin

siparişiniz hala elinize ulasmadıgı için üzgünüm diyor.
yogun tatil sezonu dolayısıyla uluslararası sevkiyatlarda gecikmeler olabiliyor. websitemizde de yazıldığı üzere, zamanında ulaşmayan kargolar için geri ödeme yapmadıgımız istisnai durumlar mevcut (demiş ve link vermiş). bu yuzden, satıcının size verdigi ulaştırma garantisi süresini 15 gun daha uzattık. 2014/12/1 - 2015/1/15 tarihleri arasında sevk edilen butun sıkıntılı ürünler için bu durum gecerlidir.

2015-03-01 tarihine kadar beklemenizi rica ediyorlar. kargo satıcıdan cıkmıs ve yoldaymıs.

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t joe

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