
sakin'in bizim büyük çaresizliğimiz filmi için yaptığı animal kingdom parçasının sözlerini hiçbir şekilde bulamıyorum.

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parçayı bilmiyordum merak ettim açtım, dinlerken de anladığım kadarını yazdım ama arada eksik yerler var. idare eder belki:

animal kingdom
it's the animal kingdom

I walked down the jungle I saw the trees
passed through the * lake and leaves
water was clear and it was deep
I jumped in the water

saw that fish
saw that big fish
saw that junkie fish
saw that big fish

She talked to me and said she was bored
no one in the animal kingdom gave her pot
asked if I had something to get stoned
* make me king of the animal kingdom

animal kingdom

tigers chasing up the antelopes
rhinoceros hippopotamus always floats
lions and leopards share a *
come and * animal kingdom

animal kingdom


mobil görünümden çık