
Çeviri yardım

cancan #823031
Canlar söz bu son..Şunu birisi çevirebilirse çok mutlu olucam..

The significant improve in the aforementioned properties could be discussed in terms of higher extent of fixation of the prepared Ag-NPs colloid onto/or within the finish/fabric matrix, thereby enhancing %N, Agcontent,hydrophilicity as a direct onsequence of introducing new hydrophilic sites such as –NH2 and –NH groups loaded with Ag-NPs and hence exhibit greater inhibiting power against the G+ve and G-ve bacterial strains as compared to Ag-NPs-unloaded cellulosic fabrics. It is clear from Table 2 that the greater the amount of Ag-NPs colloid-loaded onto/within the fabric, the higher the antibacterial functionality, expressed as large area of inhibition zone, regardless of the used substrate.


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