bir çeviri konusunda yardım istedim pek ilgi görmedi..

eski bir sözlük arkadaşım (ve duyuru sakini) sağ olsun yardım etti..
ben de yaptım.. şimdi ortada iki çeviri var.

sizden ricam, iki çeviriye bir göz atıp hangisinin daha iyi olduğunu belirtmeniz.. varsa yanlışlarını da tabi ki..



Chp, ikinci dünya savaşı sonunda hükümetinin ve siyasi iktidarının amerikayla kurduğu ittifakın katkılarıyla Türkiye’de sol denilen bütün fikir cereyanlarının tasfiye edilmesini hedefledi.

Tan gazetesinin, Sabahattin Ali’nin, harp yıllarında babamın, Behice Boran’ın ve Niyazi Berkes’in temsil ettiği anti-faşist, hümanist, sola dönük zihniyet; artık yok edilmesi, susturulması ve tasfiye edilmesi gereken bir akım olarak uygulamaya geçti.

Ve Tan gazetesi CHP’nin örgüt olarak organize ettiği bir saldırı sonunda kapatıldı.

çeviri 1:

Republican People's Party (CHP) aimed to eliminate all of the left-wing ideas by means of the contributions of its goverment's alliance with USA.

Anti-fascist, humanist and left-winged mindset which was represented by the newspaper Tan, Sabahattin Ali, Behice Boran, Niyazi Berkes and my father during war period was a movement which must be hushed, eliminated and eradicated anymore. (son cümlede sorun olmadığı için yok)

çeviri 2:

After the end of World war ll, CHP (Republican People’s Party) as the party in power, with the contributions of the alliance that goverment and political power made with America; aimed at the removal of all movements of thoughts which were called leftist in Turkey.

Anti-faschist, humane, leftist mentality which was represented by Tan Newspaper, Sabahattin Ali, by my father during the war years, Behice Boran and Niyazi Berkes was carried into execution as movement which has to be destroyed, be silenced, be liquidated.

Tan Newspaper was closed after an attack organized by CHP.


2 numaralı çeviri en doğru ve akademik olanı.

inevitable loser

ceviri 2 diyorum, ancak bazi duzeltmelerim var:

"After World War II, CHP (Republican People's Party) was in office. The party, whose power was consolidated by the their alliance with the U.S., aimed at the removal of all leftist movements in Turkey.

The anti-fascist, humanist and leftist mentality harbored by Tan newspaper and Sabahattin Ali at the time, later continued by Behice Boran, Niyazi Berkes and my father, was considered to be a movement that had to be destroyed, silenced and eliminated.

Tan newspaper was shut down after an organized attack by CHP."

lily briscoe

mobil görünümden çık