dizinin 2X08 - THE MISTAKE bölümünde aşağıdaki diyalog geçiyor. "And isn't Turkish" ile house'un tam olarak kasttettiği nedir?

Wilson: She's only advising Chase? Not you?

House: Well what's the committee going to do to me? I haven't even met this patient.

Wilson: Your disdain for human interaction doesn't exculpate you, it inculpates you. Besides the charts, you're responsible for everything Chase does.

House: Which is why this doesn't matter. She protects Chase, she protects me.

Wilson: Unless her advice to Chase is to make a deal and give you up. [Fakes a VERY bad Australian accent] "I'm so sorry, if only Dr House had paid attention, he'd never even met her, he never does."

House: Chase loves me. And isn't Turkish.

Wilson: Cameron loves you. Chase loves his job.

House: [is about to enter an exam room in the clinic] You really think Stacy hates me that much?

Wilson: I think right now she hates you more than enough. You think emotion only affects doctor's judgments?

[House pops a vicodin]


orada dr. wilson chase'in avustralyalı aksanını taklit etmeye çalışıyor ama beceremiyor. Dr. House'da dalga geçiyor "Chase türk değil" şeklinde. Yani o wilson'ın taklit ettiği aksan türk aksanına benzemiş, onu demeye getiriyor. alakası yok aslında tabi.


Salak Fox bunu "en azından Türk değil" diye çevirmişti. Gördüğüme mi duyduğuma mı inanayım dedim bir an.


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