O projenin üretime gireceğini kim garanti ediyor? Adam belki para toplayıp cebe atacak. Ya da belki toplanan parayı site vermeyecek. milyon dolarlar dönüyor sitede.



"There is no guarantee that people that post projects on Kickstarter will deliver on their projects, use the money to implement their projects, or that the completed projects will meet backers expectations, and Kickstarter itself has been accused of providing little quality control.[21][22][23] Kickstarter advises sponsors to use their own judgment on supporting a project. They also warn project leaders that they could be liable for legal damages from sponsors for failure to deliver on promises.[24] Projects can also fail even after a successful fund raise when creators underestimate the total costs required or technical difficulties to be overcome.[21][25]"

Sitenin 5%, Amazon'un da bir o kadar almasi uzdu lan beni resmen su an. Bir tur bagis yapiyorsun ama %10unu millet cukkalayip cebine atiyor. Tabi %90ini da cukkalayabilirler ama o her bagista olabilir.


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