On 9 February 2011, the European Ombudsman published his draft recommendation in his inquiry into a complaint against the European Commission in relation with the Erasmus Mundus programme. The European Ombudsman has asked the European Commission to make an ex-gratia payment of 1500 Euro to each of ca. 25 students from outside the European Union who participated in the European Union scholarship programme Erasmus Mundus I. This follows a complaint from a Canadian student who claimed that the European Commission misinformed postgraduate students participating in the EuMAS programme about the structure of Erasmus Mundus. After more than four years of inquiry into the complaint, the Ombudsman considers that the Commission should make an ex-gratia payment of total ca. 35 000 Euro as a recognition of the inconvenience experienced by the students concerned.
Avrupa Komisyonu'na Erasmus Mundus programi ile ilgili bir sikayette bulunulmus. Konuyu incelemekle gorevli hakem (hakim degil, hakem), sorustumasini tamamlamis ve taslak halindeki tavsiyelerini 9 Subat 2011 tarihinde yayimlamis. Hakem, Avrupa disindan Avrupa Birligi Erasmus Mundus I burs programina katilan ve sayilari 25 civarinda olan ogrencilerin her birine, Avrupa Komisyonu'nun kanuni mecburiyetten degil ama etik olarak 1500 avro odemesini istemis. Bundan once, Kanadali bir ogrenci, Avrupa Komisyonu'nun; EuMas programina katilan mezuniyet sonrasi (master veya doktora) ogrencilerini, Erasmus Mundus'un yapisi hakkinda yanlis bilgilendirdigini iddia ederek sikayette bulunmus. Bu sikayet 4 yildan uzun bir sure incelenmis ve hakem, ilgili ogrencilerin yasadiklari zorlugun kabul edilmesi mahiyetinde Avrupa Komisyonu'nun ogrencilere toplam 35 bin avro civarinda odemede bulunmasi hukmune varmis.