sabah uyandığımızda ya da güneş doğduğunda salgılanan bir hormon vardı. uykuda salgılanan hormonları nötr lüyordu da uyanabiliyorduk. adı ne bu hormonun?

ek: melatoninin tam tersi yani.




yok değilmiş.


(bkz: Serotonin)

dut: Approximately 90% of the human body's total serotonin is located in the enterochromaffin cells in the gut, where it is used to regulate intestinal movements.[6][7] The remainder is synthesized in serotonergic neurons of the CNS where it has various functions. These include the regulation of mood, appetite, and sleep.


dut 2:
Treatment for serotonin dysfunction includes antidepressant therapy to increase functional serotonin levels, or mood-stabilizing drugs to combat excesses. Melatonin levels may naturally balance when serotonin function is restored. Otherwise, supplements can be used to combat deficiency.


dut 3:
Light Produces Serotonin
In 1984, the National Institute of Health (NIH) discovered that the body clock is regulated by bright light, and that they could use this light to produce serotonin. A new treatment evolved, called light therapy, using light to regulate hormones that caused depressive mood disorders. Light therapy was first applied to a special type of depression in the winter called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), and has since been successfully applied to major depression, bipolar disorders anxiety disorders and eating disorders. In 2002, the medical journal The Lancet, reported that bright light produces serotonin while darkness and overcast days cause serotonin to be depleted.

topuksuz ayakkabi

yok bu da değil yahu. hatta göz kapaklarının tam opak olmaması da bu hormonla açıklanıyordu. uyurken ışığı hissedince salgılanıp uyanmayı kolaylaştırıyordu vs...



bir de kortizol

uyanmaya yardımcı olan veya uyanmaya hazırlayan hormonlar desek daha doğru olur..


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