sizlerden bir ricam olacak. yarın bir final sınavım var ve alttaki metnin çevirisi gerekiyor. zira ''19. yy başkenti paris'' ile ilgili kaynaklara ihtiyacım var. bulabildiğim tek şey bu. lütfen yardımcı olunuz. yarınki sınav için bu konuyu çalışmalıyım. teşekkürler şimdiden.

''Under Napoleon's rule, Paris became the capital of an empire and a great military power. He crowned himself Emperor in a ceremony held in Notre-Dame on 18 May 1804. Like his royal predecessors, he saw Paris as a "new Rome" and set about building public monuments befitting the capital of an empire. Some of these were conscious copies of great Roman buildings, such as the Église de la Madeleine .

Napoleon's military campaigns against the British , Austrians and Russians initially met with great success but hubris, overconfidence and poor planning caused the annihilation of his army in 1813 in the depths of a Russian winter. Russian and Austrian armies invaded France in 1814 and on 31 March 1814, Paris fell to the Coalition.
19th century revolutions

Napoleon's brief return from exile in 1815 saw him pass through Paris, en route to destiny at Waterloo on 18 June. His replacements, the restored Bourbon monarchs Louis XVIII (1814, 1815–1824) and Charles X (1824–1830), managed between them to provoke yet another revolution in Paris, confirming the saying that the Bourbons could "learn nothing and forget everything."
The powers of the monarchy were in theory confined by a Charter of Liberties but in practice both Louis and Charles ran an authoritarian regime reliant on Church support. On 25 July 1830 Charles issued the repressive Ordinances of St-Cloud, abolishing the freedom of the press, dissolving the Chamber of Deputies and restricting voting rights to the landed gentry only. A general uprising in Paris followed with three days of fighting between loyalists and rebels, including whole regiments of the Paris garrison. The king was forced to abdicate, being replaced by the more acceptable Louis-Philippe .

The arrival in Paris of the Industrial Revolution prompted the city's breakneck growth, with migrant workers arriving from the countryside on newly-constructed railway lines. By now its population was over 900,000 people, making it the second largest city in Europe after London , the third largest city in the world and far surpassing any other city in France (the next largest, Lyon and Marseille , had only about 115,000 each). The city's status was reflected in the construction of grandiose new monuments, such as the Arc de Triomphe and the Eglise du Dome in which Napoleon's body was interred. Much of the population, however, lived in appalling conditions in diseased slums; a cholera outbreak in 1831 killed over 19,000 people.''


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çevirmenler zaten bu yüzden var.
çevirecek arkadaşa bir pizza falan ısmarlarım de bari bir iki kişi gönüllü olsun:)

Jan Valjan

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şu metni, içinde "Paris" kelimesini aratarak oku:

bu aşağıdakini oku, öğren, 19. Yüzyıl Paris'i hakkında gelecek sorudan tam not almazsan, paranı iade ederim. Senin bulduğun metinden çok daha güzel bir metin bu:

bu yarınki sınavın için değil, genel kültürün için:


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