al pacino'nun biyografisi, kendi ağzından yazılmış bir kısım :
"One hopes to find out about the [movie] you're in while you're doing it, not several years later, which is usually when I find out. I'm like, 'Wow, that was a dud! I didn't know, nobody would tell me!' I've done things for certain reasons, but it [comes from] thinking on your feet... Sometimes actors do things not because we have a great desire [for it], but because it's work, and I'm starting to wonder about that."
özellikle ilk iki cümlede ne anlatıyor? kafam durdu.
"One hopes to find out about the [movie] you're in while you're doing it, not several years later, which is usually when I find out. I'm like, 'Wow, that was a dud! I didn't know, nobody would tell me!' I've done things for certain reasons, but it [comes from] thinking on your feet... Sometimes actors do things not because we have a great desire [for it], but because it's work, and I'm starting to wonder about that."
özellikle ilk iki cümlede ne anlatıyor? kafam durdu.

heralde oynadığı ve içine sinmeyen filmler hakkında konuşmuş, keşke film çekilirken anlasaydım ama ben hep yıllar sonra anlayabiliyorum, çekim sırasında kimse bana o filmin beklenen patlamayı yapmayacağını söylemiyor ki falan diyor.
endless dream