
passive - who

mor.inek #201498
Who olan soruları nası passive haline çevirebiliriz?

"Who is going to feed your dog?"


your dog is going to feed by whom?

by whom'dan eminim ama gramerim rezildir. is your dog going to feed by whom da olabilir.

kayranin kedisi

who is your dog gonna be feeded by? olabilir mi?


By whom is your dog going to be fed?
Who is the dog going to be fed by?
ya da
The dog is going to be fed by whom?

üçü de olur ama tuhaf. yani günlük hayatta bunu passive yapmak doğal bir kullanım değil.

not: the dog demişim ama your dog'muş sizinkinde. the'ları your'a çekcez yani.

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