Aşağıdaki belgeler isteniyor. Bunları yeminli tercümana çevirtmek mi gerekiyor? Hadi referans mektubunu zaten ingilizce yazarsın da diğerlerinden emin olamadım.

A copy (or copies) of your official degree certificate(s) (if you have already completed your degree)
A copy (or copies) of your official academic transcript(s), showing full details of subjects studied and grades/marks obtained
Official English translations of the certificate(s) and transcript(s)
One reference letter on headed paper
Evidence of your English language ability (if your first language is not English)
Any additional documents required for this programme (see Entry requirements for this programme)
A copy of the photo page of your passport (Non-EU students only)


Zaten açık açık söylemişler:

Official English translations of the certificate(s) and transcript(s)

Cevap evet.


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