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• Robots and systematic downloading
Systematic downloading using robots, spiders or manual means is not permitted. Publishers
keep track of patterns of use and where the publishers suspect misuse in the form of
systematic downloading (e.g. more than one article from an issue, continuous downloading
from a particular journal etc.) they will cut off access requiring Library to investigate and take
action on those who have misused the e-Resour ces. There have been instances recently
where publishers have withdrawn access to their online resources to the entire Institute.
This prevents access by the majority of re sponsible users to information needed for their
research and learning. It becomes obligatory on the library’s part to investigate such
misuses and report the same to the publishers. It takes longer time to get the access
restored and convince the publisher that re-occurrence of such misuses will be stopped.
• Downloading more than one article and few bibliographic records
Downloading, copying orprinting more than one article per issue of a journal (electronic or
print), downloading of more than few hundred of bibliographic records, one or two chapters
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writable CD is illegal.)