has been implicated in activity that resembles a Denial of Service attack against remote hosts; please review the information provided below about the activity.
tam olarak ne yapmak gerekyior bu durumda?
AWS kullanmıyorsan hesabın heklenmis olabilir, hemen hesaba girip instance leri kes ve supporta basvurup ağla.
AWS kullanıyorsan yine supporta bağlan neymis ne degilmis ogren.
Başıma gelen heklenme sonrası 3000 usd lik borçla karsı karsıya kalmıştım.
Kolaylıklar dilerim.
şöyle bir detay var;
* Log Extract:
We observed machines under your control participating in a DDoS attack
targeting Google IPs.
The attack was a UDP amplification attack. In this attack, a UDP-based
service is abused to attack others, wasting your bandwidth and computing
resources. For more information about this style of attack, see
The participating IPs under your control are listed below, along with
the port number abused, the start and stop times in UTC, and the
approximate amount of data sent during that time.
| Amplifier | Port | First Seen (UTC) | Last Seen (UTC) | Mbytes |
[ipadresim] 111 2018-09-25 17:31 2018-09-25 18:21 677