...This was pointed out mathematically In 1908 by Weinberg, and independantly by the eccentric mathematician Hardy, who incidentally, as the betting book of his (and mine) college records, once took a bet from a colleague of 'one half penny to his fortune till death, that the sun will rise tomorrow'. But it took Fisher and his colleagues to develop the full answer to....
as the betting book'tan o cumlenin sonuna kadar bi cevirir misiniz?
as the betting book'tan o cumlenin sonuna kadar bi cevirir misiniz?
bu 1908'de weinberg ve bagimsiz olarak egzantrik matematikci hardy tarafindan benim ve kendisinin universite/kolej kayitlari bahis kitabinin gosterdigi gibi, bir meslektasi ile "gunesin yarin dogacagina dair yarim penny'den olumune kadar butun serveti" uzerine bahse girmisti. ancak tam yaniti gelistirmek fisher ve meslektaslarina kaldi...
- shadayim (24.08.15 09:37:06)