hepatit markerı acil
ya sağlıkçılar uyanıksanız ki sanmıyorum ama umut bişi sorcam
bi hastanın
HBsAg si +
Anti HBsAg +
Anti HBe +
ise nedemek yahu şuan hepatit mi geçiriyor geçirmiş mi bağışık mı bence hiçbirine uymuyor bu ???
bi hastanın
HBsAg si +
Anti HBsAg +
Anti HBe +
ise nedemek yahu şuan hepatit mi geçiriyor geçirmiş mi bağışık mı bence hiçbirine uymuyor bu ???
Şu aşağıda yazana göre, şu an hepatit geçiriyor ama hastalık tırmanıştan inişe geçmiş yamulmuyosam. Bulaştırıcılık hâlâ var ama azalmış. (Kaynak WHO)
HBsAg can be detected in the serum from several weeks before onset of symptoms to months after onset. HBsAg is present in serum during acute infections and persists in chronic infections. The presence of HBsAg indicates that the person is potentially infectious.15, 23, 31
Very early in the incubation period, pre-S1 and pre-S2 antigens are present. They are never detected in the absence of HBsAg. Hepatitis B virions, HBV DNA, DNA polymerase, and HBeAg are then also detected. The presence of HBeAg is associated with relatively high infectivity and severity of disease.15, 31
Anti-HBc is the first antibody to appear. Demonstration of anti-HBc in serum indicates HBV infection, current or past. IgM anti-HBc is present in high titre during acute infection and usually disappears within 6 months, although it can persist in some cases of chronic hepatitis. This test may therefore reliably diagnose acute HBV infection. IgG anti-HBc generally remains detectable for a lifetime.15, 23, 31
Anti-HBe appears after anti-HBc and its presence correlates to a decreased infectivity. Anti-HBe replaces HBeAg in the resolution of the disease.15, 23, 31
Anti-HBs replaces HBsAg as the acute HBV infection is resolving. Anti-HBs generally persists for a lifetime in over 80% of patients and indicates immunity.15, 23, 31
Acute hepatitis patients who maintain a constant serum HBsAg concentration, or whose serum HBeAg persists 8 to 10 weeks after symptoms have resolved, are likely to become carriers and at risk of developing chronic liver disease.15
HBsAg can be detected in the serum from several weeks before onset of symptoms to months after onset. HBsAg is present in serum during acute infections and persists in chronic infections. The presence of HBsAg indicates that the person is potentially infectious.15, 23, 31
Very early in the incubation period, pre-S1 and pre-S2 antigens are present. They are never detected in the absence of HBsAg. Hepatitis B virions, HBV DNA, DNA polymerase, and HBeAg are then also detected. The presence of HBeAg is associated with relatively high infectivity and severity of disease.15, 31
Anti-HBc is the first antibody to appear. Demonstration of anti-HBc in serum indicates HBV infection, current or past. IgM anti-HBc is present in high titre during acute infection and usually disappears within 6 months, although it can persist in some cases of chronic hepatitis. This test may therefore reliably diagnose acute HBV infection. IgG anti-HBc generally remains detectable for a lifetime.15, 23, 31
Anti-HBe appears after anti-HBc and its presence correlates to a decreased infectivity. Anti-HBe replaces HBeAg in the resolution of the disease.15, 23, 31
Anti-HBs replaces HBsAg as the acute HBV infection is resolving. Anti-HBs generally persists for a lifetime in over 80% of patients and indicates immunity.15, 23, 31
Acute hepatitis patients who maintain a constant serum HBsAg concentration, or whose serum HBeAg persists 8 to 10 weeks after symptoms have resolved, are likely to become carriers and at risk of developing chronic liver disease.15
- compadrito (24.04.14 05:25:26 ~ 05:40:53)
oyle saniyorum ki tasiyici. anti-Hbe nin pozitif HbeAg nin negatif oldugunu varsayarsak baskasina bulastirma olasiligi nispeten az gibi dursa da risk var sanirim.
- gel gel sarisinim sag yap gel (24.04.14 05:28:22 ~ 05:28:49)
hasta hepatit b mikrobunu almış ve hastalığı geçirmiş, hbvdna da bakılmalı virüs ürüyor mu onu anlarız.
- lal u ask (24.04.14 18:16:51)
Teşekkür ederim.hastayı sunmam gerekiyordu bugünde sundum.tumor markerları falan istenmiş beni aşıyomuş zaten çok takılmadı hoca. bunla ilgili bizim klasik tablomuza uymuyor çünkü hBvDNA sı bakılmamıştı.sağolun.
- 00 08 (25.04.14 04:10:31)