
ing. eleştiri yazısı - neresi göze batıyor arkadaşlar? teşekkürler

Nerede turkish-english düşünmüşüm? Düzeltmeler yapar mısınız? Teşekkürler.

I congratulate the authors for their study. But there are some parts that need to be clarified.

1) Since TAPS score diminution is poor prognosis symptom the authors did not make a statement on deterioration in TAPS scores despite their clinical improvement in their study. An explanation is required in this case. They would say ''since the annular movements are reduced by the stitch ring after the surgery we claim that there is a decline in TAPS score ".

2) How the efficacy of the study is decided?

3) Descriptive statistics are available In this study. correlation is indicated however the results are not specified. Correlation values should be given over Pearson Test or a similar test.

4) TAPS score values should be evaluated by paired t-test (if diffusion is regular) before and after the operation,

Since this study puts forward a different view it appends an added value to the literature. The article can be accepted after necessary arrangements.

konu çok yabancı, pek farkedilmiyor açıkcası nerede türkçe düşündüğünüz. bir tek en son cümlede can kullanmanız garip olmuş. bir de giriş cümlesi daha farklı olabilirdi.

  • in search we trust  (25.03.14 12:57:17) 
Konuyu tam olarak anladim diyemeyecegim, ama ben su duzeltmeleri yaparsaniz, daha akici olacagini dusunuyorum

I would like the congratulate the authors for their thorough study, however I would also like to add a few points that need further clarification below :

1) Since TAPS score diminution is poor prognosis symptom, the authors have not a made a statement on the deterioration in TAPS scores despite their clinical improvement in their study. Further explanation is required, rather than their statement "since the annular movments are are reduced by the stitch ring after the surgery we claim that there is a decline in TAPS score".

2) How the efficacy of the study is decided. (burada soru sormadigin icin, soru isaretine gerek yok)

3) Descriptive statistics are available in this study. Although there are not specific results, existence of correlation is mentioned in this study. It would be better to include correlation values over Pearson Test or a similar test.

4) TAPS score values should be evaluated by paired t-test (if diffusion is regular) before and after the operation.

Since this study introduces a different view on the subject, after the necessary amendments have been made, it will bring added value to the literature.
  • novamina  (25.03.14 14:06:01) 
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