İngilizce'de cansız nesnelerden 'she' diye bahsedilmesi?
mesela dead space 1'de koskoca ishimura'dan she diye bahsederler.
mesela dead space 1'de koskoca ishimura'dan she diye bahsederler.
yanlış bilmiyorsam eğer sahiplenmeyle ve sevmeyle alakalı bi durumdu bu, genel geçer bir şey değil yani.
- cansins beybi kolonya (27.09.13 23:59:54)
Özellikle gemi ve her türlü deniz aracından "she" diye bahsedilir ingilizcede. Roma dilinde, kelimeler, maskülen ve feminen olmak üzere ikiye ayrılır. Gemi anlamına gelen "ship" de her zaman feminen halde kullanılırmış-artikel ve vokal farklılıklar- bu zamanla batı dillerine de yerleşmiş.
Bir de denizde geminin kendisi haricinde her kadın uğursuzluk getirir anlayışı olabilir. "Denizcileri kucaklayan bir anne" vazifesi görmesi konusunda referanslar olabilir, ya da uyduruyo da olabilirim.
Bir de denizde geminin kendisi haricinde her kadın uğursuzluk getirir anlayışı olabilir. "Denizcileri kucaklayan bir anne" vazifesi görmesi konusunda referanslar olabilir, ya da uyduruyo da olabilirim.
- Gkcn (28.09.13 00:04:43)
gemi, araba, makina, motor.. hepsinde "şi" kullanılıyor
- dieselsingle2 (28.09.13 00:08:40)
ingilizce'ye ozel degil. turkcede de kiz gibi araba falan derler ya, ayni temele dayaniyor.
- bohr atom modeli (28.09.13 00:11:16 ~ 00:11:29)
gemicilik kültüründe gemiler dişidir. antik yunandan beri gelen bir kültür sanırım, hatta gemi dişi olduğu için gemide kadın olursa ikinci bir dişi olur ve uğursuzluk getirir. ingilizceye özel değil katılıyorum.
- Sarix (28.09.13 00:13:31)
varlıkların doğadaki işlevleriyle ilgili bişy.
Dişil/anaç işlevi olanlar (doğurmak, kucaklamak) sadece ingilizce değil her dilde dişil zamirlerle anılabiliyor. Ama kullanana bağlı, "bu böyledir" diye bir kaide yok; diye biliyorum.
"doğa ana,toprak ana" gibi.
Dişil/anaç işlevi olanlar (doğurmak, kucaklamak) sadece ingilizce değil her dilde dişil zamirlerle anılabiliyor. Ama kullanana bağlı, "bu böyledir" diye bir kaide yok; diye biliyorum.
"doğa ana,toprak ana" gibi.
- dafaiss (28.09.13 00:14:14)
Why are ships referred to as "she"?
We're learning about the USS Arizona in History and they keep referring to the ship as "she" instead of "the ship" like most inanimate objects are normally. So I was wondering how did this start and why is it that way? Is it mainly used in the Navy or all of boating?
4 yrs ago / JT
Best Answer (Chosen by Voter)
The truth of the matter is that about 600 years ago, a man by the name of Prince Henry (Henry Henrique) who became known as Prince Henry the Navigator (1394-1460) was a Portuguese royal prince that "financed" many explorers. Prince Henry sent many sailing expeditions down Africa's west coast, but did not go on them himself. Thanks to Prince Henry's money, Portuguese ships sailed to the Madeira Islands, rounded Cape Bojador, sailed to Cape Blanc and around Cap Vert, as well as many other places of discovery.
While not nearly so popular as Columbus, Prince Henry actually financed a far greater amount of ships and while he himself did not sail on any of them, the ships he financed, discovered many more lands then any other sailors and exployers of his time. Magellan, being one of them.
At that time, ships were commonly named after the King or Queens that financed them. Prince Henry's ships however had various names. He however was quoted as saying that all his ships were a "she" because "like a woman, they take much powder and paint to keep them looking good.
The exact reason why boats are called she in English is lost to history. While explanations…Read more
Sailors would name their boats in honor of the women they left behind when they went to sea.
We're learning about the USS Arizona in History and they keep referring to the ship as "she" instead of "the ship" like most inanimate objects are normally. So I was wondering how did this start and why is it that way? Is it mainly used in the Navy or all of boating?
4 yrs ago / JT
Best Answer (Chosen by Voter)
The truth of the matter is that about 600 years ago, a man by the name of Prince Henry (Henry Henrique) who became known as Prince Henry the Navigator (1394-1460) was a Portuguese royal prince that "financed" many explorers. Prince Henry sent many sailing expeditions down Africa's west coast, but did not go on them himself. Thanks to Prince Henry's money, Portuguese ships sailed to the Madeira Islands, rounded Cape Bojador, sailed to Cape Blanc and around Cap Vert, as well as many other places of discovery.
While not nearly so popular as Columbus, Prince Henry actually financed a far greater amount of ships and while he himself did not sail on any of them, the ships he financed, discovered many more lands then any other sailors and exployers of his time. Magellan, being one of them.
At that time, ships were commonly named after the King or Queens that financed them. Prince Henry's ships however had various names. He however was quoted as saying that all his ships were a "she" because "like a woman, they take much powder and paint to keep them looking good.
The exact reason why boats are called she in English is lost to history. While explanations…Read more
Sailors would name their boats in honor of the women they left behind when they went to sea.
- compadrito (28.09.13 00:14:36)
kız gibi olan her şeye she derler. at, şehir, gemi gibi özellikle bi güzelliği varsa she diyorlar. düzse he deniliyor.
- pek vokal (28.09.13 00:31:22)
Motlar penim çevapı silmeyin, telefondan girdim, edit edemedim
- compadrito (28.09.13 00:39:18)
eğer dişi ev hayvanınız varsa onlarada she kullaniliyor
- baknedicem (28.09.13 01:11:49)