
bu videoda ne diyor


bazı yerleri çeviremedim "****" ladım, öyle sıkıcı bir şey değil gaza gelirsiniz yapmak istediğiniz bir şey varsa bakın derim.

aslında bunu kendim çevirmek istemiştim ama eksikleride sorayım dedim.

I wanna represent an idea.

I wanna represent possiblities.

I can create whatever i wanna create.

The ***** of talent and the skill is the one of the greatest misunderstood concepts for people who are trying to *******

Talent you got naturally.

Skill is only developed by hours and hours and hours on ***************.

No matter how talented you are, your talent is gonna fail you if you are not skilled.

Cause is not about ****** you come from(büyük ihtimalle where oluyor ama cümle saçma?)Its about heart, you come to a place you know ******* enough. You gotta have heart! the most important thing is to be able to sacrifice what you are for what you will be come! i never ****** myself particully... talented. where i **** is work****. you know when other guys sleeping, im working, when other guys eating im working, im not afraid to die on a treadmill(emin değilim) you have more talent than me, you might be more smarter than me but if we get on the treadmill you getting up first. im gonna die its ***** ***** simple. i **** you ****.


When you want to succseed as bas as you wanna breath, then you will be succses. ************** (bu cümleyi hiç anlamadım), the only thing you **** do is get some air! and when you get to the point where are you wanna to be as succsesfull as bad as you wanna breath then you will be succsesfull, most of you say you wanna be succsesfull but you dont wanna ***** you just ******* you dont wanna be **** then you wanna party, you dont wanna as much as you wanna be cool, most of you wont succsess ************** sleep ************(cümleyi anlamadım) if you going to be succsesfull, you gotta **** givin up sleep, i ***** 50 cent doing his movie 50 cent when he wasnt doing movie he was doing soundtrack.

and they said: "When do you sleep 50?"

he says: "sleep is for those people who are broke! I dont sleep."

Pain is temproary, it may last for a minute or an hour or a day, or even a year, but ***** it will ****** and something else will take his(pain den his olarak bahsediyor, it demesi lazım diil mi?) place.

If i quit however it will last forever. you are not gonna down because you are in little pain. But im excatly where i want to be, because i realized, i gotta commit **********. i gotta eat it, i gotta breath it, i gotta sleep it, and once you get there, i guarantee you, the world is yours.

seperation of talent
excel, have dreams********
hours on beating on your craft
place where being smart aint enough
i never really view myself as
where i excel is work ethic
die on the trail
its really that simple
i dare you fail


...success. when you want to succeed, as bad as you want a booty, then youll be successful. `if you ever had an asthma attack, youre short of breath, wheezing, only thing youre trying to do is get some air!

...wanna be succsesfull but you dont want it bad
you dont want it bad then you want party
most of you dont want success as much as you wanna sleep

you gotta be willing to give up sleep
i dont forget when 50cent...
a year, but eventually, it will subside
i gotta commit to my very being to this day
  • el desaparecido  (22.06.13 22:45:20 ~ 23:11:56) 
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