İngilizce "menüye dahil olmayan her şey için para ödemeniz gerekir" demek?
"Anything not listed on the menu will be chardeg extra" dicem ama bişeyler yanlış galiba?
The items that are not listed in the menu will be charged extra.
- interview with the vampire (07.01.13 15:46:12)
yanlis yok gibi, nesi yanlis olabilir.
- atmacaged (07.01.13 15:48:01)
Additional charges do apply for non menu items.
Any non-menu special request or alterations will have an additional charge attached
Any non-menu special request or alterations will have an additional charge attached
- muk (07.01.13 16:19:57)
Anything off-menu is charged.
- sttc (07.01.13 17:35:20)