Bu Paragrafta Hata Var mi?
The U.S. government spent 2.7% of the GDP on research and development in 2001. In both 2002 and 2003, the percentage decreased by 0.1%. In 2004, spending on research and development was the lowest of past 10 years. It was 2.5% of GDP. In 2005, the percentage increased to 2.6%. Average percentage of spending on research and development of the U.S. government is approximately 0.5% higher than the average percentage of GDP's spending on research of development in the world.
Son cumle cok garip olmadi mi ya?
Son cumle cok garip olmadi mi ya?
than GDP's spending in the world olarak bitirsen olur gibi geldi bana.
- aysiku (18.10.12 22:11:42)
3 ve 4 u birlestirebilirsin.
- nekodunlangafana (18.10.12 22:11:52)
ayni kelimeleri tekrarlayip durmussun. spending on research and development 4 kere geciyo 4 satirlik paragrafta.
the percentage increased by 0.1 desen tamam ama %0.1 diyince yuzdenin yuzdesi oluyo falan.
the percentage increased by 0.1 desen tamam ama %0.1 diyince yuzdenin yuzdesi oluyo falan.
- ocaan (18.10.12 22:11:55)
diger arkadaslarinkine ilaveten eklemek istedim. ayni kelime zincirini tekrar etmek yanlis degilse bile kotu gorunur, 'average percentage of 'son cumlede iki kere kullanmak yerine ikincisi icin 'that of' gelebilir, dunyanin geri kalani kastediliyorsa da the rest of the world daha tamamlayici olabilir.
- grampus (22.10.12 13:33:47)