
Travmaya bağlı gode bırakan Ödem

2 gün önce bir yakınımın ayağına denizde bir şey battı, kısa sürede yara etrafına lokalize bir ödem oluştu. Tetanoz aşısı yaptırıldı, ayak grafisi bakıldı(parça yok).

Şimdi ise şişlik tüm ayağı kapsadı neredeyse. Ve Gode bırakıyor. Bu bir apse işareti midir? veya ne işaretidir?

gode birakan odem, deniz kestanesi veya vatoz gibi bir canlinin zehrine duyarlilik sonucu vaskulit veya lokal doku harabiyeti gelismesinden olabilir. anafilaksi acisindan uyanik olun. odemin artmasi, solunum guclugu, yuzde odem, yutkunma guclugu gibi belirtiler gelisirse acil servise goturun.

bacak elevasyonu ise yarayabilir. ANAFLAKSi gelisme riskine karsi uyanik olun. bi de ayak grafisinde gorulemeyecek diken kalmistir belki ayakta. onun buyutecle filan bulunup cikarilmasi, yaranin antiseptikle pansumani gerekir.

Sea Urchins
Venom within the spines and pedicellariea of sea urchins can cause damage to organisms that come into contact with them. Pedicellariea are organs on the surface of the urchin between the spines. The spines may or may not remain in the affected organism, but the pedicellariea most likely will remain and look like cactus thorns. These pedicellariea must be removed as they continue to release venom even after breaking off from the urchin.

A purple stain on and around the wound is a good sign of urchin injury. It is a fluid released by the urchin to ward off predators and stains the skin. Immense pain not commensurate with the wound size, paresthesia, facial edema, and arrhythmias are other signs.

Wound and patient care is mainly supportive. Remove any visible pedicellariea with forceps and irrigate the wound. Standard wound protocols should be applied and patient transport to a definitive care facility to remove any remaining spines should be performed. Beware of anaphylaxis.

Stingray Injury Case Reports

Case report 2.

A 9-year-old boy received two lacerations on the dorsum of the right foot near the first metatarsal bone. The injury occurred in Newport Harbor, California. The wound was painted with iodine and bandaged but owing to intense pain the patient was taken to hospital 1 hour later. The wound was probed and one sting and “a small piece of slime” removed from one of the lacerations. Both wounds and the foot were extremely sensitive to pressure and an area around the wound was red and skin temperature increased. The leg and foot were flexed and the patient complained of extreme pain. Morphine sulfate (1/10 grain) was given for pain, but the patient began vomiting thereafter. The patient continued to complain of extreme pain for the following 2 hours. The patient was also given calcium gluconate (3 grains and Phenobarbital (1 grain) and penicillin 300000 units i.v. Fours hours after the injury the patient complained of abdominal pain, nausea and pain on deep respiration and 10 minutes after he began to vomit. His temperature was 99 degrees Fahrenheit. Pulse 96 beats/min, respirations 24 and blood pressure 85/60 mmHg. The heart and lungs were normal on examination and the abdomen was flat, slightly rigid but without tenderness and increased peristalsis. Pitting edema extended over the entire dorsum of the right foot and the peripheral pulses were feeble. Deep reflexes of the leg were hyperactive and superficial reflexes were hypoactive and there was no pathological reflexes.

Upon hospitalization the patient was given 250 cc of 5 % glucose in water with 3 units of Eschatin added. Pain diminished over the next 12 hrs and recovery was uneventful. Edema persisted for 6 days in spite of continual elevation of the extremity and the wound was healed by the ninth day.
  • compadrito  (02.08.12 12:43:43 ~ 12:59:08) 
Selülit gelişmiş olabilir. Enfeksiyon hastalıkları veya dermatoloji kliniğine başvurmanızı öneririm. Geçmiş olsun.

  • plastik turambar  (02.08.12 19:12:40) 
buraya yazılanların hakları Sir Anthony Hopkins'e aittir.
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