Taksimdeki eylemin amacları ne ?
metroda pantolon giymeme ve gs lisesinin orda durma eylemleri amaç ne ?
onlar couchsurfing.com etkinligidir.hepsinin tarzı just enjoy! .
- tuzlanmis sekersever (16.01.12 20:38:32)
hedefsizlik ya da couchsurfing ile zerre kadar ilgisi yoktur ama işin içinde eğlence olduğu şüphe götürmez. bilmezken uydurmak da güzel oluyor hani.
"Why do you do this?
Improv Everywhere is, at its core, about having fun. We’re big believers in “organized fun”. Our missions are a fun source of entertainment for the participants, those who happen to see us live, and those who read this website. We get satisfaction from coming up with an awesome idea and making it come to life. In the process we hopefully bring excitement to otherwise unexciting locales and give strangers a unique experience and a great story to tell. We’re out to prove that a prank doesn’t have to involve humiliation or embarrassment; it can simply be about making someone laugh, smile, or stop to notice the world around them.
This video sums it up:
www.youtube.com "
"Why do you do this?
Improv Everywhere is, at its core, about having fun. We’re big believers in “organized fun”. Our missions are a fun source of entertainment for the participants, those who happen to see us live, and those who read this website. We get satisfaction from coming up with an awesome idea and making it come to life. In the process we hopefully bring excitement to otherwise unexciting locales and give strangers a unique experience and a great story to tell. We’re out to prove that a prank doesn’t have to involve humiliation or embarrassment; it can simply be about making someone laugh, smile, or stop to notice the world around them.
This video sums it up:
www.youtube.com "
- demcan (16.01.12 20:48:39 ~ 20:50:05)
gençler eğleniyor. havaya bakıp sonra daağılınca ellerine ne gibibişey geçtiğini ben henüz çözemedim. pantolonsuz metroya binme olayına girmiyorum bile.
- i was there (17.01.12 14:11:10)
gazetede yazdığına göre seyahat özgürlüğü ile ilgili bir eylemmiş.
- toshiro (17.01.12 23:34:24)