customer reviews bolumunden,
The quality of this display in insane, if you need to upgrade or buy a tv for your dorm room this is the one to buy, the 3d is pretty cool but it shouldn't be the main reason to buy this other than the image quality or the sound, is way better than any other tv of this size, those usually have the speakers on the back, this tv has these on the front and that makes a big difference.The 240 refresh rate is amazing, playing games in 2d makes them look really smooth.
yani evet.
The quality of this display in insane, if you need to upgrade or buy a tv for your dorm room this is the one to buy, the 3d is pretty cool but it shouldn't be the main reason to buy this other than the image quality or the sound, is way better than any other tv of this size, those usually have the speakers on the back, this tv has these on the front and that makes a big difference.The 240 refresh rate is amazing, playing games in 2d makes them look really smooth.
yani evet.
- la traviata (20.12.11 07:34:03)
playstationla alakali ust duzey bir arkadasimdan ogrendigim kadariyla, yakinda turkiyeye de gelecek bu, henuz yapilmamis dagitim vs.
fiyati biraz ucacak gibi diyor. 1000-1500 civarlarinda olacak.
o yuzden simdiden bundan getirilse muthis olur : )
playstationla alakali ust duzey bir arkadasimdan ogrendigim kadariyla, yakinda turkiyeye de gelecek bu, henuz yapilmamis dagitim vs.
fiyati biraz ucacak gibi diyor. 1000-1500 civarlarinda olacak.
o yuzden simdiden bundan getirilse muthis olur : )
- la traviata (23.12.11 06:37:32)
bestbuydan alabiliorum su an 300 dolara ama 2d nasil olur kestiremedim.
- tiny toon (23.12.11 22:54:25)