
lcd tv boyutu

3.5m x 3.5m boyutlarındaki yaklaşık 12 m2'lik bir oda için 40" lcd televizyon:

a. ideal
b. büyük
c. küçük

süreniz başladı.

kucuk bence, benim TV ile aramdaki mesafa 3 metre en az 42 al diyorlar ki ben 46 dusunuyorum. Bir de; "Size matters"

  • yilmazyildirim  (05.08.11 13:28:52) 


Screen size versus your room

How big can you go? Your upper limit will be determined by your budget, taste, and by the space where you want to put the TV. If you want to fit an existing entertainment center, make sure you have at least an inch on the sides and top of the TV cavity to allow for ventilation, then shoot for a TV that can fill that space without being too big (usually too wide). HDTV width is generally 1 inch to 3 inches less than the screen size, so a 46-inch TV is typically 44 inches wide, whereas a 65-inch TV is 63 inches wide.

Can you go too big? Definitely. Depending on your decor, you might not want the TV to "dominate the room" too much. If that's a concern, it might be worthwhile to tape together a cardboard panel that's the same size as the TV you're considering and place it where you want to locate the TV so you can get an idea of its size.

Seating distance is also a factor, although from a picture quality perspective with high-definition sources, you can sit pretty close to the screen and still not see any loss in quality. In a perfect videophile world, you'd want to sit no closer than 1.5 times the screen's diagonal measurement, and no farther than twice that measurement to the TV. For example, for a 50-inch TV, you'd sit between 75 and 100 inches (6.25 and 8.3 feet) from the screen. Many people are more comfortable sitting farther back than that, but of course the farther away you sit from a TV, the less immersive feeling it provides.
  • ben smyrna  (05.08.11 13:34:52) 
büyük bence. 12 metrakere'ye 40 inç abartı büyük hatta.

  • baldur  (05.08.11 13:36:13) 
aynı boyutlarda bir odada, 3m mesafeden 32'' seyrediyorum ve gayet memnunum. sadece oyun oynarken falan biraz daha yaklaşıyorum, 40'' göz yoracaktır ama siz bilirsiniz tabii.

  • guro1907  (05.08.11 16:09:30) 
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