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Kasığıma "acil durum çekici" yazdırsam mı ya birden gaza geldim. "emergency axe" da olabilir.

hepatit B asin var mi?

  • compadrito  (06.06.10 19:04:33) 

  • fundamental  (06.06.10 19:06:10) 
ben kasığıma "fragile" logosunu yaptırıp altına da "handle with care" yazdıracaktım. vazgeçtiğim için sana devrediyorum, madem kasığa yaptıracaksın.

  • kimlanbu  (06.06.10 19:26:23) 
daha da gaza gelirsen, kasigina "acil durum sikici" de yazdirabilirsin.

  • compadrito  (06.06.10 19:52:25) 
hepatit B asin var ama o seni hepatit C'ye karsi korumuyo. dovmeyle hepatit C de bulasiyo.

ben hepatit C gordum. Gercek bir lanet (it's a real curse) senin annayacagin.

Tattoos & Hepatitis C

Getting a tattoo may not seem dangerous, but many tattoo recipients are now getting more than they bargained for.

Fine-art tattooing has become a common practice, particularly among teenagers and young adults. Sociological studies of tattoo recipients, however, have shown that few recipients compare tattoo parlors or watch a tattooing procedure before getting one, and few consider tattooing a future health risk.

Tattooing has been shown to transmit infectious diseases, including hepatitis B and C, syphilis, leprosy and tuberculosis. Small outbreaks of hepatitis have been identified in customers visiting certain commercial tattoo parlors on the same day.

A new study shows the risk of contracting hepatitis C increases significantly among people who have tattoos. Researchers from UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas studied more than 600 patients. The patients were from the orthopedic spinal clinic, a setting that provided a large volume of patients seeing a physician for reasons unrelated to blood-borne infection. Participants unaware of their hepatitis status were examined, interviewed for risk factors and tested for hepatitis C. They found 18% of these patients had a tattoo. Of those patients with a tattoo, Men Talk more than 20% were infected with hepatitis C and 33% of those patients had acquired their tattoos in a commercial tattoo parlor. Few of the tattoo-associated infections could be traced to injection-drug use, transfusions or other known routes of exposure. Only 3.5% of patients with no tattoos had hepatitis C.

Researchers also found those patients who had several tattoos had an increased risk of having the potentially fatal disease. Hepatitis C attacks the liver and can lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer. Risk factors for the disease can include injection-drug use, prior blood transfusions, acupuncture and electrolysis. Hepatitis C can be passed through tattooing by reusing needles or dye and insufficient sterilization of needles between customers. (It's almost impossible to sterilize the gun.)

Of the study, Robert Haley, M.D., and chief of epidemiology says, "We found that commercially acquired tattoos accounted for more than twice as many hepatitis C infections as injection-drug use. This means that it may have been the largest single contributor to the nationwide epidemic of this form of hepatitis."

Few states have hygienic regulations to ensure safe tattooing practices in commercial tattoo parlors, and even fewer monitor and enforce standards.

Patients for the study were interviewed and tested in 1991 and 1992. The results were not published then because other epidemiological studies at the time were expected to address the issue, but they did not. This was the last study done before widespread hepatitis C testing began, when a largely unbiased study could still be done.
  • compadrito  (06.06.10 20:03:28) 

gusura galma jugador abi.

o cevabi oraya yazmam, benim vicdani, mesleki, insani ve milli sorumlulugumun icabi.

sukur, simdiye kadar silinen bi cevabim olmadi.

seni rahatsiz ettiysem ozur dilerim.
  • compadrito  (06.06.10 21:02:52) 

  • sp-qs  (07.06.10 02:33:01) 
beyler adam toplum gönüllüsü

  • curiosita  (07.06.10 22:19:29) 
buraya yazılanların hakları Sir Anthony Hopkins'e aittir.
yazan eden compumaster, ilgilenen eden fader
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