
Friends izlemiş olanlara bir soru
Joey ve phoebe lise mezunu, ross ve chandler aynı ünide farklı bölümlerde okumuşlar, monica da aşçılık okumuş. Peki rachel'ın ünide hangi bölüm okudu? Baştan sona izledim ama 10 senede hiç bahsedilmedi diye hatırlıyorum. Ben mi kaçırdım yoksa?

Ben de hiç hatırlamıyorum ama şöyle bir sahne geçmiş.
Rachel Geller-Greene (nee Greene) went to Psychology classes at college initially but changed her major due to lack of parking. She also got someone else to do her SATs for her (possibly in return for sex) and slept with her teacher on whom she had a crush. However Rachel has developed a great taste in fashion, advice for which her husband Ross seaks her out.
Rachel Geller-Greene (nee Greene) went to Psychology classes at college initially but changed her major due to lack of parking. She also got someone else to do her SATs for her (possibly in return for sex) and slept with her teacher on whom she had a crush. However Rachel has developed a great taste in fashion, advice for which her husband Ross seaks her out.
- i think therefore i am
(05.07.21 00:32:50)