Brexit - AB Vize durumu
31 Ekim tarihinden önce İngiltere'ye giden ve 31 Ekim tarihinden sonra dönecek olan bir AB vatandaşı vize almalı mı, almaması durumunda geri dönerken bir yaptırım ile karşılaşır mı? Şu an için vize konusu tam çözülmedi diye biliyorum.
AB vatandaslarinin giris cikisinda sikinti olmayacagi soyleniyor.
"For the time being, border crossing arrangements will remain unchanged. EU citizens will enter the UK as they do now, using their passport or national identity card. They will be able to use eGates if they are travelling on a biometric passport, and they will not face routine intentions testing."
resmi kaynak: www.gov.uk
"For the time being, border crossing arrangements will remain unchanged. EU citizens will enter the UK as they do now, using their passport or national identity card. They will be able to use eGates if they are travelling on a biometric passport, and they will not face routine intentions testing."
resmi kaynak: www.gov.uk
- Haldamir (18.10.19 13:31:28)
"EU citizens entering the UK after Brexit
Free movement as it currently stands under EU law will end on 31 October 2019. However, Parliament has provided that much of the free movement framework will remain in place under the EU (Withdrawal) Act 2018 until Parliament passes primary legislation to repeal it. Ahead of that, the government will introduce some specific changes, reflecting that we are no longer part of the EU, to increase security and better protect the UK public." Şöyle bir şey de var ama tam olarak yine vize gerekir ya da bir yaptırım oalcak denmemiş.
Free movement as it currently stands under EU law will end on 31 October 2019. However, Parliament has provided that much of the free movement framework will remain in place under the EU (Withdrawal) Act 2018 until Parliament passes primary legislation to repeal it. Ahead of that, the government will introduce some specific changes, reflecting that we are no longer part of the EU, to increase security and better protect the UK public." Şöyle bir şey de var ama tam olarak yine vize gerekir ya da bir yaptırım oalcak denmemiş.
- bartholomew87 (18.10.19 13:47:43)
Orada da farkli bir sey soylemiyor. 2018'de cikan EU withdrawal act ile EU vatandaslarinin serbest gecisi korunuyor. Ilerde yeni bir kanun cikip o iptal edilene kadar da EU vatandaslari serbest gecebilecek. Zaten su an vize alip gitme diye bise mumkun olmasa gerek. EU vatandasi birinin basvurabilecegi bir vize bile yok sanirsam.
Su da baska bir resmi kaynaktan bu arada;
"If the UK leaves the EU without a deal
Irish citizens will be able to enter, work and study in the UK without a visa as they can now.
EU, EEA and Swiss citizens will be able to enter the UK as they do now after 31 October 2019.
EU, EEA and Swiss citizens will also be able to live, work and study in the UK as they do now until 31 December 2020.
In other cases, find out if you’ll need to apply for a visa to enter the UK."
Su da baska bir resmi kaynaktan bu arada;
"If the UK leaves the EU without a deal
Irish citizens will be able to enter, work and study in the UK without a visa as they can now.
EU, EEA and Swiss citizens will be able to enter the UK as they do now after 31 October 2019.
EU, EEA and Swiss citizens will also be able to live, work and study in the UK as they do now until 31 December 2020.
In other cases, find out if you’ll need to apply for a visa to enter the UK."
- Haldamir (18.10.19 14:47:44 ~ 14:50:42)
- bartholomew87 (18.10.19 15:01:06)