İngilizce sorusu
"Çalıştay 5 Nisan 5 Mayıs tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirildi." cümlesi için hangi seçenek doğru?:
1 - The workshop held between 5th April to 5th May.
2- The workshop held from 5th April to 5th May.
3- The workshop held between 5th of April to 5th of May.
Ya da ?
(5th May ile 5th of May ifadelerinin farkını bilen var mı, şimdiye kadar hiç of lu halini kullanmadım ama sanki daha doğru:/)
1 - The workshop held between 5th April to 5th May.
2- The workshop held from 5th April to 5th May.
3- The workshop held between 5th of April to 5th of May.
Ya da ?
(5th May ile 5th of May ifadelerinin farkını bilen var mı, şimdiye kadar hiç of lu halini kullanmadım ama sanki daha doğru:/)
between'de and olmalı sanırım
- theconqueror (14.05.19 22:13:08)
The workshop was held between April 5(th) and May 5(th)(, YYYY).
- hot potato (14.05.19 22:26:42)