Yurt disina nakit cikisi
Merhaba, Avrupaya giderken uzerimde 12 bin kusur euro nakit olarak goturmeyi planliyorum. Nakit beyan formu doldurmak asagi yukari ne kadar surer ve vergisi ne kadar olur?
Carrying cash
If you plan to enter or leave the EU with EUR 10 000 euros or more in cash (or the equivalent in other currencies) you must declare it to the customs authorities. Failure to do so could result in your cash being retained by the customs authorities, and you may receive a fine. Be aware that the customs authorities may carry out individual checks as well as checks on your baggage and/or vehicle.
If you want to travel between EU countries with EUR 10 000 euros or more in cash (or the equivalent in other currencies), you must check with the customs authorities in the countries you are leaving, entering and passing through whether you must declare it.
How to declare?
Carrying cash
If you plan to enter or leave the EU with EUR 10 000 euros or more in cash (or the equivalent in other currencies) you must declare it to the customs authorities. Failure to do so could result in your cash being retained by the customs authorities, and you may receive a fine. Be aware that the customs authorities may carry out individual checks as well as checks on your baggage and/or vehicle.
If you want to travel between EU countries with EUR 10 000 euros or more in cash (or the equivalent in other currencies), you must check with the customs authorities in the countries you are leaving, entering and passing through whether you must declare it.
How to declare?
- rm (24.04.19 03:26:26)
Avusturyada deklare etmek/beyan etmek sadece bu anlama geliyor, vergisi filan yok.
- kuehles blondes (24.04.19 08:29:00)
hiç uğraşma formla, beyanla. bahsettiğin rakamdan daha fazlasıyla gittiğim oldu ama elimi kolumu sallaya sallaya girdim. yeter ki hepsi bir arada ve 200’lük-100’lük şeklinde olmasın.
- hocam (24.04.19 09:19:23)
vergisi yok. sadece beyan etme yükümlülüğü var. çıkışa giderken "good to declare" tarafına gidip beyan edebilirsiniz. tabi @hocam'ın dediği gibi bir şey olmadan elinizi kolunuzu sallayarak da çıkabilirsiniz; ancak, tesadüfen kontrol edilir de para bulunursa bununu cezai yaptırımı var ve paraya el koyma/alıkoyma yetkileri var. declare etmenin size bir zararı yok. etmemenin zararı olma ihtimali var.
- helenart (24.04.19 13:00:11)