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"Not any more, though, as Scotland and Northern Ireland have taken over the lead."
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keşke başını da yazsan. belli ki önceki cümleyle anlamsal bir bütünlüğü var. bu haliyle çözmek zor.
- sir gawain (15.04.19 12:59:40 ~ 13:01:02)
paragraf şöyle:
Their case is not unusual for Pirkko and Heikki, aged 46 and 47. They live in Finland, where the death rate from heart disease used to be the highest in the world. Not any more, though, as Scotland and Northern Ireland have taken over the lead.
Their case is not unusual for Pirkko and Heikki, aged 46 and 47. They live in Finland, where the death rate from heart disease used to be the highest in the world. Not any more, though, as Scotland and Northern Ireland have taken over the lead.
- osuran imam (15.04.19 13:09:13)
"İskoçya ve Kuzey İrlanda liderliği aldığından beri değil"
- ilkot (15.04.19 13:27:30)