Tax Free Sorusu
Almanyadan alışveriş yaptım tac free formu vs gerekli belgeler tamam ancak ; Almanya 'dan Fransa'ya geçeceğim sonra Türkiye'ye döneceğim geri ödemeyi başka ülkeden (Fransa) alabiliyor muyum?
Almanyanın vergisini niye fransa ödesin ki? Alman Gümrük Polisinin(Zoll) onaylaması lazım o belgeyi.
- kobretti (17.04.18 03:16:33 ~ 03:16:48)
global blue ise tr ofisi ödüyor burada
- habula (17.04.18 03:19:16)
@kobretti baya bilmeden sallamis:)
ABden cikis yaptiginiz son ulkeden alabilirsiniz.
Almanya ve fransa tek bir gümrük AB sayesinde.
Do I have to leave the EU straight away from the country where I purchased goods?
No. You can buy VAT-free goods even if you are going to be visiting other EU countries before you finally return home, as long as you actually leave the EU with the goods within the time limit. You have to get your documents stamped by a customs officer at the point of exit of the EU – not necessary in the same EU country where you bought it.
ABden cikis yaptiginiz son ulkeden alabilirsiniz.
Almanya ve fransa tek bir gümrük AB sayesinde.
Do I have to leave the EU straight away from the country where I purchased goods?
No. You can buy VAT-free goods even if you are going to be visiting other EU countries before you finally return home, as long as you actually leave the EU with the goods within the time limit. You have to get your documents stamped by a customs officer at the point of exit of the EU – not necessary in the same EU country where you bought it.
- kuehles blondes (17.04.18 10:09:50)