
Merhablar almanya'ya erasmus yapmak istiyorum.
Şöyle bir email geldi ama anlamlandiramadim.
Nasil yani öğrencilerinden bos yer kalirsa yazin mi gideceğim anlayan yardimci olabilir mi?
Dear Leyla,
Thank you very much for your email. Since your University is not an official partner university of our faculty you would be coming as a so called “freemover”. That means we can only offer you a place if there are vacancies left after the students from our partner universities applied. During the semester holidays (from February – April and July – October) we generally don’t accept additional students. These periods are limited to term time because the Medical Faculty’s regular students need to complete their obligatory traineeships during the semester breaks when no academic teaching is provided.
Therefore, please send us your inquiry after the deadline of our partners: December 15th for the summer term and June 15th for the winter term.
Şöyle bir email geldi ama anlamlandiramadim.
Nasil yani öğrencilerinden bos yer kalirsa yazin mi gideceğim anlayan yardimci olabilir mi?
Dear Leyla,
Thank you very much for your email. Since your University is not an official partner university of our faculty you would be coming as a so called “freemover”. That means we can only offer you a place if there are vacancies left after the students from our partner universities applied. During the semester holidays (from February – April and July – October) we generally don’t accept additional students. These periods are limited to term time because the Medical Faculty’s regular students need to complete their obligatory traineeships during the semester breaks when no academic teaching is provided.
Therefore, please send us your inquiry after the deadline of our partners: December 15th for the summer term and June 15th for the winter term.

Aslinda almanya'da dil ogrenmek icin gitmek istiyorum ama burs da alayim bu donemde cok masrafli olmasin diye erasmus ile gitmek istiyorum. Erasmus olmasa da gitmeyi düşünüyorum yani ama freemover tam olarak nedir bilen?
- Lozturkmen
(24.03.18 16:27:35)

Free mover öğrenciler Erasmus gibi herhangi bir değişim programına bağlı olmayan öğrenciler. Burslardan genelde faydalanamıyorlar diye biliyorum. Oradaki tüm masraflarını kendin karşılamak zorundasın. Ayrıca ders saydırma konusunda sıkıntı yaşayabilirsin. Fakültenin anlaşmalı olduğu üniversitelere başvurmayı dene.
- dissendium
(24.03.18 16:41:39)

aynen derslerin sayilmasi konusunda ders iceriklerinin karsilastirmali halini onceden kendi bolumunde onaylatman gerekebilir. aksi halde dondugun zaman o dersi kendi fakultendeki derse saydiramayabilirsin.
- jedilance
(25.03.18 16:02:46)