Linkedin - Recommended connections
neye gore gosteriyor bunlari? bir actim ilk sirada online ortamlarda hicbir iletisimimin olmadigi, telefon numaralarimizin bile olmadigi eski sevgilimle basliyor. hadi digerleriyle ortak arkadas varmis da bununla o da yok?
email kontaklarina da bakiyor
"You will see recommendations to connect with people you have recently searched for on the Internet or exchanged emails with. If you are logged on to LinkedIn and visit a site that makes an api call to LinkedIn, then LinkedIn will add that data to its data store."
"You will see recommendations to connect with people you have recently searched for on the Internet or exchanged emails with. If you are logged on to LinkedIn and visit a site that makes an api call to LinkedIn, then LinkedIn will add that data to its data store."
- superb (28.03.16 20:53:41 ~ 20:55:27)