
Bir cümlelik çeviri.. (İngilizce ya da ispanyolca)

diyojenimtırak #645493 
"Ne yaşatırsanız onu yaşatırım"

ulaştırma bakanlığı halı sahası nerede?(ankara)

diyojenimtırak #645491 
Arabayla nasıl ulaşabilirim?

ton balıklı pizzaya neler konulabilir?

diyojenimtırak #642996 
soğan, mısır, mantar ee başka ne konulabilir ne yakışır?
birde pizzanın sosu nasıl olmalı?

rojava olayının özeti?

diyojenimtırak #640523 
burada neler oluyor neden oluyor, bi süredir uzak kaldım ve bilmiyorum. özet geçerseniz sevinirim.

LG P705 OPTIMUS L7 nasıl telefon?

diyojenimtırak #637969 
piyangodan bi tane geçti de elime, iyi midir iş görür mü?
ayfondan galaksi esüçten nesi eksik mesela?

hayatınızın sonuna kadar tek bir şarkı dinlemeye mecbur bırakılsanız..

diyojenimtırak #637370 
hangi şarkıyı seçerdiniz?

ben bunu seçerdim: www.youtube.com

sülfürik asidi nasıl imha etsem?

diyojenimtırak #637367 
200 ml kadar sülfürik asit çıktı evde, kırılır bi şey olur sakatlık çıkmasın diye imha etmek istiyorum. hangi yolla çevreye daha az zarar veririm de yok ederim?

ingilizce çeviri (biraz uzun)

diyojenimtırak #635924 
veganlıktan vazgeçmiş ve nedenlerini anlatmış ablamız da çok merak ettim ne dediğini, zamanı olan biri çevirirse sevinirim.

Dear friends,

I am no longer vegan.
And I am still passionately devoted to helping as many people reach their ultimate health as I can. By helping them accept their cravings and working with their unique bodies to create lives of meaning, freedom and radical self-acceptance.
I’ve been thinking of how to tell you this story for some time now.
What I’m about to share may come as a total shock to you.
You might want nothing to do with me after today.
But I’m really hoping that you feel hopeful and breathe a sigh of relief.
13 years ago, when I decided to eat a vegan diet and live a vegan lifestyle, I did it for my health.
My body was suffering from years of unhealthy eating and a whole-foods, plant-based diet rebooted my entire being. Quickly. It was a relief and a miracle, in my mind.
The more I learned about how our food culture operated, how animals are raised in such unhealthy, horrifying conditions, and how animal protein production adds so significantly to global warming, I resonated deeply the vegan way. It felt good and clean. It felt right and my body thrived.
For a great long while.
And for a while, I thought many of the world’s problems could be solved if more people ate this way. We could end hunger if we fed grain to people instead of cattle. We could end global warming if we reduced the fertilizer, trucking and refrigeration required to produce meat. We could end the obesity epidemic.
What I ate aligned with what I believed.
And that was that.
But then, a few years ago, something began to shift.

The Uprising

My body started craving the “bad” stuff. Namely, meat.
It used to be that, when a friend ordered a burger out at dinner, I was slightly (though quietly) disgusted.
But I started noticing a different reaction.
Instead of disgust, I started to salivate.
The impulse to order salmon instead of salad with tofu at my favorite restaurant was overwhelming.
And, for me as a vegan, it was confusing, too.
At first, I thought: “I must be mineral deficient. Or maybe I need more concentrated protein. I’ll eat more sea vegetables. I’ll just add more nuts and hemp seeds and drink more green juice. Then the cravings will stop.”
I denied these cravings and tried to “talk my body out of them”.
I hid my cravings from myself, and my community.
I ate more sea vegetables in order to add more minerals to my diet as I had told so many of my vegan-curious friends to do. I chose more protein-heavy plant foods on a regular basis. I avoided sugar and drank green juices by the pint, all in an effort to give my body the nutrition that I thought my body was asking for.
I tried for over a year.
I felt ashamed. If I was “doing it right” I wouldn’t have these cravings, would I?
And still, the cravings persisted.

The Vegan Ideal

While these cravings warred with my vegan-teacher self, I noticed that most of my health coaching clients and readers were not vegan. Many of them were interested in trying this style of eating, often for the same reasons that I had.
They love animals and don’t want to contribute to their suffering.
They care about the planet and our global health.
They want to feel well in their bodies and lose weight.
Yet, some of these clients weren’t thriving on a vegan diet. Some were sicker and heavier after going vegan than they were before.
And they were so ashamed. Ashamed that it didn’t work for them when they thought it a moral, “right and kind” diet. Ashamed that the weight loss others had experienced wasn’t happening for them.
They felt like failures.
From that place, they craved something different.
They were looking for a state of health and well-being where they didn’t feel judged or guilty for their bodies’ needs… or cravings.
And I told them what I started to tell myself:
Some cravings are just your body telling you what it needs.
So I began coaching more and more people to trust their bodies.
To learn to listen to their own, innate knowing.
To live their truth.

And people began to relax and feel better in their bodies. They lightened up about food and felt better about themselves. Once they started listening to their bodies and trusting themselves, the judgment about food lifted and they started eating better because they wanted to, not because they “should.”

The Hardest Part
For many of these people, the hardest part wasn’t eating animals again. Even though they loved animals, and many had rescued their pets from shelters or donated money to environmental groups.
The hardest part was the shame. That they weren’t living up to the “vegan ideal.”
I saw their struggles.
And it made me guard my secret more tightly.
I told no one of my own cravings for meat or fish or eggs.
Even as I was helping others come to terms with the perfection of their own bodies and cravings, to learn to love and accept themselves as they were showing up, to be honest and real in their life…
… I was hiding my own truth.

The Turning Point
As time went on I couldn’t stand myself.
I had to eat some meat to experiment.
I had to experience how it felt to eat animal foods again, if only to prove to myself that it wasn’t really all that good. That it was just a thing I could manage or handle, like some addiction.
So, with the support of a few close, trusted friends, I allowed myself to eat what I was craving and started with some eggs.
The emotions of guilt and confusion I felt almost overwhelmed my ability to listen to what my body was saying – my human-animal body.
I started to think:
“What are you doing?! You shouldn’t be eating this – how can you even like the taste of this when you know where it comes from?!”
But I tuned in to my body instead of my thoughts.
And my body said YES.
It felt good and strong. And it wanted more.
Sneaking Around

My mind and morals popped up and batted down those overwhelmingly positive body sensations, but it became like a world-class tennis match.
Cravings from my body would SHOUT for meat, and my brain and logic would violently shove it away.
This went on for months.
I would secretly visit restaurants or stores and buy “contraband” animal foods, scurry home, and savor the food in solitude.
It’s so strange now to realize that, after working for 12 years as a health and wellness professional, I’d developed an eating disorder.
It reminds me of that new term orthorexia – the idea that we can become unhealthily obsessed with eating the “right, perfect foods.”
And a glimmer of hope began to dawn on me – that I could support even more people to feel good and get healthy without the shame, judgment and guilt if I brought my own struggle to light and shared my story.

Coming Out of the Closet
I began to see my cravings for animal foods from a different angle.
It wasn’t immoral or wrong.
It just was.
In fact, I came to believe that trusting your body, living your truth, whether it be vegan, part-time vegan, flexitarian or carnivore is all inherently good.
I thought about coming out sooner, but I was afraid. Afraid of what my vegan friends would say. Afraid of what my family would think. Afraid what would happen to my health coaching company that I was working so hard to build.
And I was worried what my clients and readers – what YOU — would think.
Would you feel betrayed? Would you be upset that I had lied all that time?
But I was suffering under the weight of my secret. I was living two lives. I hoped that one day I would be brave enough to talk openly about my experiences and about what I saw as a new possibility for health and wellness.

Today is that day.
As the revealing of my secret came closer, as I began to eat openly in front of my family and talk with a few vegan friends about my evolution, I noticed something very contradictory.
While my family and closest friends were completely accepting and loving towards me as I began to eat animal food products, I saw how that wasn’t always how it went with everyone.
Recently the actress-comedienne Ellen Degeneres, one of the most popular vegans around, mentioned that she had been eating eggs from her neighbors “happy chickens.” The response from the vegan community was swift and harsh. Diatribes on blogs and Facebook posts against her for “lapsing and lying” we’re harsh.
How is that compassionate, I thought?
This was a word I had given to the vegan community completely. But I began to realize that we need to offer compassion for all creatures, all animals, all humans, ourselves, in order to be truly compassionate.
And I realized that by keeping my truth a secret, I was adding to the hostile food-culture that so many feel trapped by.
The food culture that makes being overweight a crime and a weakness.
The food culture that makes eating what your body needs a moral dilemma.
This culture that has produced the most unhealthy, food-and-weight obsessed and ashamed generations the world has ever seen.
And it’s killing us in so many ways.
So I’m writing you this letter and telling you all in the hope that you and I can bring the dialogue to a new place.
A place where we can begin to have more compassion for ourselves and each other.
A place where we take the morality, perfectionism and rigidity out of our food.
A place where we can live truly healthy lives without the fear of judgment that who we are or what we need, is wrong.
A place where we can be ourselves.

What I Believe
I believe there is a middle way. There is no ONE way that everyone should live or eat. People can still love animals and care about protecting the environment AND honor their own animal bodies and consume the foods that they need.
I believe there are many paths to health.
I believe you can love and care about animal welfare and still consume them.
I believe that a vegan, whole-foods diet saved my life and is a delicious, valid, healthy style of eating for many people.
I believe that a vegan diet should be promoted as one of many possible ways to get the body and life that people crave.
I believe most people should be eating more vegetables and less processed, chemicalized, processed junk food.
I believe we should restructure the way animals are raised so that they live in more natural, comfortable, humane surroundings and stop force-feeding them 80% of all antibiotics used in the US.
I believe humans are animals. And some animals need to eat other animals to be healthy. Some do not.
And I believe in the innate kindness of people. And that by having compassion for each other, no matter how we eat, we are creating a new food culture, and a better world.
A culture and world that is free of shame.
And I am still passionately devoted to helping as many people reach their ultimate health as I can. By helping them accept their cravings and working with their unique bodies to create lives of meaning, freedom and radical self-acceptance.
It has been such a huge relief to me to stand in the full view of the people I know and respect. To state my truth from a place of self-acceptance instead of shame. And I hope you’ll join me in exploring the evolution of your diet, wellness and life dreams.
With all my love, hope and thanks,

türk müziğinde sitar kullanılan parçalar?

diyojenimtırak #634082 

bu videodaki şarkıları bilenler sırasıyla yazabilir mi?
özellikle 44. saniyeyle 1.43 arasında çalan şarkıyı merak ettim..

videodaki müzik?

diyojenimtırak #632861 

ankara'da havuz?

diyojenimtırak #631160 
diğerlerine göre daha sakin-kalabalığı az olan, fiyat bakımından uçuk olmayan, 10-15 kişilik bi arkadaş grubuyla gidebileceğimiz havuz önerilerinizi bekliyorum.

birkenstock kalıpları nasıl?

diyojenimtırak #631074 
ayakkabıda 42 giyiyorum ama terlikte bu 41-42 olabiliyor. yurt dışından birkenstock getirteceğim de nokta atışı yapmam lazım. birkenstock kullananlar ayakkabı numaralarıyla aynı numara mı kullanıyorlar?

objektif satışının döndüğü siteler neler acaba?

diyojenimtırak #630158 
türkiye içinde.

ya bi hikaye vardı???

diyojenimtırak #629913 
üç tane papaz vardı, kayık vardı. bi keşişin dinini ya da dinsizliğini eleştiriyorlardı. sonra bu keşiş suyun üstünde yürüyüp o üç papaza bi şey mi veriyordu bi şey mi diyordu neyse sonra papazlar adama secde ediyorlardı falan. bu hikayenin tam metnini nasıl bulurum?

bilgisayardan instagram takipçilerimi nasıl görürüm?

diyojenimtırak #628817 
profilime giriyorum ama takip ettiğim ve takip eden kişileri göremiyorum. var mı bunun bi yolu?

yurtdışından gelen davetiye hakkında birkaç soru..

diyojenimtırak #628582 
öncelikle yurtdışında evinde kalacağımız arkadaşımız bize(toplam 6 kişiyiz birimiz çocuk) davetiye yollayacak. öncelikle bu davetiyeyi bize gönderecek değil mi?
her isme ayrı ayrı mı davetiye yazacak yoksa tek davetiyede 6mızın ismi mi olacak?
bir de tam olarak davetiyeye ne yazması gerekiyor? örneği falan varsa yolayabilirseniz sevinirim.

konutkent'ten gata'ya nasıl giderim?

diyojenimtırak #624614 

kızılay'da ucuz pdf çıktısı?

diyojenimtırak #624149 
Nereyi onerirsiniz ucuz yollu? 300 sayfalik bi cikti almam lazim

brezilya ispanya maçı hangi kanalda?

diyojenimtırak #623412 
soru açık

iPhone ekran kırılması..

diyojenimtırak #619875 
yere düştü ve ekranda sadece renkli çizgiler var.
bu durumda ne yapmamı önerirsiniz? tamir mi? yeni bi telefon mu?
tamirse ne şekilde? bi de günahı ne olur tahmini?

içinde "evet çocuğumuzun ismini de tomagül koyucaz!" geçen..

diyojenimtırak #614243 
bi karikatür vardı, bi buldursanız..

duyurudaki silinen mesajlaşmaların iki tanesi lazım..

diyojenimtırak #614227 
ulaşma mümkünatım var mı?
mod dostlar, bi yardımcı olmaz mısınız?..

Türkü içeren dub/dubstep şarkılar!?

diyojenimtırak #607288 
türkü ve makamsal nağmeler içeren dub/dubstep parçalar arıyorum.
böbrek soundsystem gibi fitisound gibi..

çubuk vanilya nasıl kullanılır?

diyojenimtırak #606290 
elimde bir adet çubuk vanilya var. 1 litre de süt. kafama takılan sorular:
1) sütü ısıtırken çubuk vanilyayı tüm halde mi atmalıyım?
2) tüm olarak atarsam aromasını ne derecede verir ve sonrasında kaç kere daha böyle kullanabilirim?
3) tüm olarak değil de sıyırarak ya da 2^ye 4'e bölerek kullanırsam kullanmadığım kısmın kurumaması için ne önerirsiniz?
4) likör yapmak istiyorum, 1 litre alkole kaç tane çubuk vanilya tam rayiha verir?
5) vanilya iyidir.
6) teşekkür.

evde kendi imkanlarımla bacakları nasıl kuvvetlendiririm?

diyojenimtırak #604574 
ön ve arka bacak ve dizi nasıl kuvvetlendiririm evdeki imkanlarla?
hangi hareketleri önerirsiniz?

sıfır nikon 18-105 lensi kaça okuturum?

diyojenimtırak #603997 
kitle birlikte 18-105 gelecek. hiç kullanmadan kaça okutabilirim?

bir şarkı sözü çevirisi..

diyojenimtırak #599342 
it's a still life water color,
of a now late afternoon,
as the sun shines through the curtained lace
and shadows wash the room.
and we sit and drink our coffee
couched in our indifference,
like shells upon the shore
you can hear the ocean roar
in the dangling conversation
and the superficial sighs,
are the borders of our lives.

and you read your emily dickinson,
and i my robert frost,
and we note our place with bookmarkers
that measure what we've lost.
like a poem poorly written
we are verses out of rhythm,
couplets out of rhyme,
in syncopated time
lost in the dangling conversation
and the superficial sighs,
are the borders of our lives.

yes, we speak of things that matter,
with words that must be said,
"can analysis be worthwhile?"
"is the theater really dead?"
and how the room is softly faded
and i only kiss your shadow,
i cannot feel your hand,
you're a stranger now unto me
lost in the dangling conversation.
and the superficial sighs,
in the borders of our lives.

teşekkürler =o)

niksar'da ne yenir?

diyojenimtırak #599179 
tokat-niksar'da olacağım bir hafta kadar. orada hangi güzide yemeğimizi kovalamamı salık verirsiniz?

youtube takılma durumu (ama nasıl takılma..)

diyojenimtırak #599082 
şimdi bi vidyo açıp izliyorum. bi yerinde durduruyorum. 2-3 dakikadan fazla beklettiğimde tekrar başlattığımda vidyoyu azcik ilerleyip takılıyor ve donuyor. tek çare f4 kalıyor. bu arıza neden kaynaklanıyor?

bu iki lens aynı di mi?

diyojenimtırak #597659 

ankara'da uçan balon???

diyojenimtırak #597173 
Nereden alırım\bulurum?

ankara'da uçan balon nerede bulurum?

diyojenimtırak #597044 
soru başlıkta, teşekkürler.

yağmur yağınca müzik çalan bina?

diyojenimtırak #596210 
mavi bi binaymış sanırım. vidyosu falan var mıdır? bilgi istiyorum lütfen..

bu sözde ne anlatılmak isteniyor?

diyojenimtırak #592587 
"Ancak değişkenleri değiştirirsen farklı bir sonuca ulaşabilirsin"

değişken zaten değişken değil midir?

mentollu sigara sorunsali!!

diyojenimtırak #592394 
Simdi, kendinden mentollu sigara mi daha zararlidir yoksa izmaritteki kapsulu patlattigimiz mi?

amsterdam'daki yamuk evlerin olayi?

diyojenimtırak #592379 
Nedir yamuk evlerin olayi? Neden yamuklar? Sayilari fazla mi? Tesekkurler

zonguldak'ta ne nerede yenır?

diyojenimtırak #586457 
Merkezdeyım, ferah lokantası dısınde nerede yemek yıyeyım? Aracım yok. Ama yururum, ona gore ortaya guzel bı sey yaparsanız =o)

bu fotoğraf hakkındaki görüşlerinizi alabilir miyim?

diyojenimtırak #583611 

şarkıdaki "git de gebereyim" sözünde "de"...

diyojenimtırak #582869 
bağlaç mı eylem mi sizce?

bartın'da ne nerede yenir?

diyojenimtırak #582864 
soru başlıkta, sağlun.

karabük'te ne/nerede yenir?

diyojenimtırak #581444 
merkezde kalacağım ama sanırım safranbolu 10 dakikaymış merkeze. karabük merkezde ve safranbolu'daki lezzet duraklarını ve oralarda ne yemeden dönmemem gerektiğini yazarsanız berhudar olurum.

bu hangi dil?

diyojenimtırak #580060 

müzeyyen senar'lı televizyon makinası kaydı?

diyojenimtırak #578434 
yok di mi? ben mi bulamadım? bi tek benzemez kimse sana söylediği yer var o ka.
bilmediğim bi yerde kaydı olabilir mi programın tamamının? 2006 idi sanırım sene.

"ezop" ismini çocuğuma koyabiliyor muyum?

diyojenimtırak #578165 
ve sizce nasıl bir erkek ismi?

Metanet'te gece 12de Beyran bulunur mu?

diyojenimtırak #577197 
O saatte gıdegecı de emın olamadık beyran olur mu o saatte dıye?

K.Maraş'tas ne, nerede yenir?

diyojenimtırak #575325 
maraş merkezinde (oraya özgü yemekler olması öncelikli tercihtir) neyi, nerede yemeliyim?

acaba is yerine gitsem mi?

diyojenimtırak #573093 
bi suredir konusuyorduk fakat daha gecenlerde bi yakinlasma oldu gibi. Sonrada ben is seyahatlerine basladim. Yakinlasma gununden 15-16 gun sonra gorusecegiz en yakin. Fakat simdi sehre geldim aksam tekrar gidecegim, acaba diyorum bi yarim saatligine, 15 dakikaligina da olsa hastaneye gitsem mi? Arastirma gorevlisi, rahat cikar mi eder mi bilmiyorum. Daha o konulari konusmaya gecmedik=o) cikamama ihtimali de olabilr. Neyse, gitsem hosluk olur mu dersiniz?

yunan adalarına vıze?

diyojenimtırak #572107 
Kac gune kadar vızeye gerek yok? Yoksa vızesız gırıs ıcın hala gunubırlık gezıler mı yapmak lazım?

yarın, batıya giden bi uçağa göre..?

diyojenimtırak #571999 
ay hangi yönde olacak?
ankara'dan çanakkale'ye giden bi uçakta saat 23-24 arasında hangi yönde olur ay?

acikogretim kayit yenileme bankaya parayi yatirinca bitiyor mu?

diyojenimtırak #571661 
Eve gelen kagitta "dersler fakulte tarafindan atanacagindan ogrenciler ders ekle-sil yapmayacaktir. Yen kayit yaptiran ogrenciler bankaya kayit yenileme bedelini odeyerek kayitlarini yeniletecektir." Yaziyor. Parayi odedigimizde islem tamam mi? Buroya gitmeyecek miyiz?

mobil görünümden çık