muhasebe sorusu
şunun cevabı ne ola ki?
Combining the activities of Kellogg and General Mills would violate the...
a- cost principle.
b- economic entity assumption.
c- monetary unit assumption.
d- ethics principle.
Combining the activities of Kellogg and General Mills would violate the...
a- cost principle.
b- economic entity assumption.
c- monetary unit assumption.
d- ethics principle.
economic entity assumption diyorum ben
- cokponcik (23.01.15 01:13:22)
- letheavendangered (23.01.15 01:25:42)
cunku economic entity assumption bu iki sirketin aktivitelerini birbirinden bagımsız ve ayrı şekilde gerçekleştirmelerini gerektiriyor. combining buna ters. violate eder yeni. olmaz. delikanlı muhasebeci bunu yapmaz.
- cokponcik (23.01.15 01:41:46)