'' Draft '' istiyor hoca siz ne anlarsiniz bundan?
gencler bir staja basvuracagim ve hocadan referans istedim. hoca da kendisine bir 'draft' yollamami istedi hoca ne istiyor yani benden nasil bir icerik istiyorum onu mu istiyor? yoksa staj icin nasil bir formatta referans yazilir onu tam kestiremedigi icin nasil bir format kullanilmali onu mu soruyor? bazi kalip referans mektuplari var o tarz bisey mi yollamaliyim sizce?
''I confirm that (name) is/was employed as (position) with this organisation from (date) to (date/the present day), and was/is paid (salary, plus bonus and benefits as applicable).
Their job of (position) carries the following responsibilities (describe briefly the job). (Name) is skilled in (details of skills) and is also (characteristics - eg reliable dependable, a good communicators, etc).
I would happily re-employ (name) as I consider him/her to be a valuable member of the team, who consistently achieved good results and delivers all expectations. ''
sizin bir tavsiyeniz varsa ona da acigim.
''I confirm that (name) is/was employed as (position) with this organisation from (date) to (date/the present day), and was/is paid (salary, plus bonus and benefits as applicable).
Their job of (position) carries the following responsibilities (describe briefly the job). (Name) is skilled in (details of skills) and is also (characteristics - eg reliable dependable, a good communicators, etc).
I would happily re-employ (name) as I consider him/her to be a valuable member of the team, who consistently achieved good results and delivers all expectations. ''
sizin bir tavsiyeniz varsa ona da acigim.
Ozetle Referans mektubunu getir imzaliyayim demis
- surfer (23.06.14 17:47:15)
itü'nün referans formu var onu alın ingilizceye çevirip gönderin doldursun. bence uygundur.
- bira sisesi kapagi (23.06.14 17:58:48)