I'm fooling both Ali and Ahmet telling them; you are the first.
olur sanırım.
olur sanırım.
- washe (01.06.14 19:27:12)
Ben de washe'un cümlesi üzerinde "you are the first" yerine "you came first" düzeltmesini yapardım.
- legendwaitforitdary (01.06.14 19:32:29)
Ali and ahmet are both fooled by me as i say one of them are the first.
- anonymice (01.06.14 19:36:11 ~ 19:36:43)
I'm fooling both Ahmet and Ali by telling each of them, "you came first".
- shangrilla (01.06.14 19:48:01)
I've been fooling Ali and Ahmet by telling them that they both came the first.
- icemint (01.06.14 19:52:45)
ek soru sorabilir miyim? tşk.
"I'm cheating on ..." diye başlasak ta olur mu arkadaşlar?
"I'm cheating on ..." diye başlasak ta olur mu arkadaşlar?
- lionel andres (01.06.14 19:53:52)
cheat olmaz bu bağlamda.
- icemint (01.06.14 19:57:06)
Eğer Ali ve Ahmet ile aşk yaşıyorsan olur.
- shangrilla (01.06.14 19:57:08)
tricking olur.
I am tricking Ali and Ahmet by telling them both that they came in first place.
I am tricking Ali and Ahmet by telling them both that they came in first place.
- beriberi (01.06.14 20:30:25)