
ceviri yardimi

Arkadaslar asagidaki yazilanlari ingilizceye cevirirmisiniz:


Lojistigin gunumuzdeki kabul goren en gecerli tanimini the council of manegement kurulusu yapmistir. Bu tanima gore lojistik musterilerin ihtiyaclarini karsilamak uzere her turlu urun servis hizmeti ve bilgi akisinin baslangic noktasindan zihai tuketiciye kadar olan tedarik zinciri icindeki hareketini etkili ve verimli bir bicimde planlamak uygulamak tasimak depolamak ve kontrol altinda tutmak hizmetidir. Bu bilgileri kullanarak yukaridaki tanimi gunumuz kosullarina gore soyle ifade edebiliriz:
Lojistik mal ve hizmet tedariki icin gerekli planlama organizasyon nakliye ve yonetim faaliyetlerinin butunudur.

Lojistigin gelisimi temelde uc asamalidir:

a: parcalanma (1960-1980) bu donemde lojistik faaliyetlerini ayri ayri yaptilar. Asagidaki operasyonlarin bir kismini isletme icinde yaptilar bir kismini da disaridan hizmet alarak yaptilar.

b: birlesme (1980-200) bu donemdeki lojistik faaliyetleri iki kavram altinda toplamak mumkundur.

- madde ve malzeme yonetimi
- fiziksel dagitim

c: toplam butunlesme (200- gunumuze) halen devam etmekte olan bu surecte parcalanma ve birlesme kisminda verilen faaliyetleri bir araya getirmek mumkun olmustur. Dunya ekonomisinde yasanan kuresellesme ve liberallesme entegre lojistik kavramini ortaya cikarmistir.

Yahu parça parça paragraf halinde ayrı ayrı duyuru olarak açsaydın :-D bu kadar uzun metni kim niye çevirsin

  • amilaz enzimi  (26.12.13 22:58:21) 
hacı ben böyle bişey görmedim, hastayım hasta :)) ne ısrarcı adamsın :)

al bakalım.

Definition of Logistics

The Council of Management has made the most valid and accepted definition of logistics. According to this definition; logistics is a service, within the supply chain, in order to meet needs of customers, efficiently and effectively planning, implementing, transporting, stock keeping and controlling movement of all kinds of goods and information flow from starting point to the end user (customer).

By using these information, we can redefine logistics to reflect present day conditions.

Logistics is sum of a series of planning, organization, transportation and management activities which are necessary for the supply of goods and services.

In principle, logistics' development has three phases:

a: Fragmented Era(1960-1980) Logistics activities were performed separately. Some of activities listed below were performed in house while other activities were outsourced.

b: Integration Era (1980-2000) Logistics activities could be summed up under two notions

- material and supplies management
- physical distribution

c: Total Integration Era:(2000- present): In this ongoing era, it was possible to integrate the activities mentioned in the fragmented and integration era. Globalisation and Liberalization in the World Economy have brought the concept of logistics.
  • [silinmiş]  (26.12.13 23:21:53 ~ 23:23:39) 
Management has made the installation of Kabul Rates tar Geçerli the council defines our present day's logistics. This recognition logistics Rates needs of its customers to meet the every turn ur service SERVICE flow of information from a standpoint Zihai to consumers gelir SUPPLY CHAIN ​​Inside the movement effectively efficiently, I plan to apply to move to store the control's under the hold is the service we've we've we've. Using this information, the above conditions according to t Tell our present day's strength phrase can: Logistics budgeting organization is necessary for the supply of goods SERVICE Shipping Co. That is the director of activities have. The development of logistics basically end should hang a: fragmentation (1960-1980) met over the logistics activities they did separately. The following businesses for a portion of the operations were done in a fraction from the outside in, taking SERVICES did it. b: merger (1980-200) Two Concepts of meth activities done under my It is possible to collect logistics. - ARTICLE Inc. Materials management - Physical DISTRIBUTION c: to absorb the flavors Total (200 - Present) income is still ongoing meth operations given in section sureçte fragmentation merger was possible've put together. The reform of world economy globalization, liberalization have caused the emergence of the concept of integrated logistics.

  • iorveth  (27.12.13 00:20:10) 
İstersen bilgisayardan girince paragraf ayarını yaparım ama zamanın yoksa zor değil sende halledersin bence.

  • iorveth  (27.12.13 00:21:42) 
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